I spend a lot of time here criticizing Democrats, but as one of the two parties that control US politics, I hope they will take some advice on how to move forward given the circumstances we find ourselves in. The following are steps that Democrats can take to stop our country from sliding into fascism and perhaps even move toward a stronger democracy.
1. Stop worrying about Republicans being sad or angry.
Every time Democrats try to do the right thing, the right wing gets really upset and threatens to burn everything down. Think of how you might train a dog: You don’t let the dog run the house, no matter how much they complain. Sure, far right agitators are a lot more dangerous than a dog with bad manners, but, much like that dog, they don’t get less dangerous when you let them run the show. In fact, one really good indicator that you are doing the right thing is that self-described conservatives are threatening to burn everything down. Let their rage serve as positive reinforcement.
2. Get the Republicans out of your party.
Every time Joe Manchin or some other Republican double agent throws a wrench in the works, it lends credence to the idea that “both sides are the same” and that idea is constantly eroding our faith in democracy, and thus democracy itself. When both sides are the same, do whatever you can to make them different. Those Republican double agents can go join the Republican party, which will moderate it and alienate fascists. One of your long-term goals should be that fascists do not have a party.
3. End the filibuster.
The filibuster is anti-democratic. It must end. While I appreciate that it is a tool you might use in the future if Republicans gain control, it is still anti-democratic and would force the Republicans to follow through on their bad ideas or admit that their ideas are bad. My guess is that in most cases, they’ll admit that their ideas are bad and that will alienate fascists from their party; this is what you should want. Again: One of your long-term goal should be that fascists do not have a party.
5. End gerrymandering.
Today, in the year 2022, we have these devices called “computers” that can be programmed to determine congressional districts in a completely objective, non-partisan way. Why are humans still being allowed to create bizarrely-shaped districts that favor their selfish agendas?
6. End voter suppression.
Restore the Voting Rights Act and end Republican voter suppression. Come up with ways to make it extremely easy to vote while still maintaining election security. Make sure that your voters can vote in the primary; one way conservatives maintain control of the Democratic Party is by allowing voter suppression during the primary. You might have to fight your own party to do this.
7. End the electoral college system.
The US President must be chosen directly by the popular vote without any intervening system at the national or state level to counter the will of the people. You can get most Republican voters onboard by stating the truth: That the electoral college benefits the elites.
There are a few of these suggestions that it seems like Democrats are about to take action on; specifically, ending the filibuster, passing the Voting Rights Act, and perhaps even an end to worrying about Republicans’ feelings. All of these suggestions are vitally important, however, to truly strengthening American democracy. Moreover, there are a lot of areas where Democrats are failing in ways that they don’t even realize because they are not typically able to see beyond their assumptions, so the above list is only meant to address electoral democracy specifically.
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