Category: Pandemic
The Malignant Narcissism of the Biden Administration
When a narcissism looks at you and tries to imagine what you want as a person, they will quite often think that the one thing you’d most like to be doing is serving them. I mean, what else would be more fulfilling to you, right? So, when the Biden administration read a study about how…
MidMO JBGC’s Year in Review
“Where have you guys been?” people ask us these days. Well, the Mid-MO John Brown Gun Club is still here and still active… it’s just that the temporary fade of authoritarianism that happened after the January 6th sacking of the Capitol – about which we warned, at least in a general sense – has resulted…
Who caused the pandemic?
Since the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been a lot of people trying to find someone to blame. Republicans want to blame China as well as anyone who looks Asian, Democrats want to blame Donald Trump due to his bad pandemic policies and promotion of wacky, counter-productive ideas (like chloroquine and “it…
We might have to evolve our way out of COVID-19
All indications now point to COVID-19 being endemic and though the vaccines improve outcomes, it’s clear that we’re going to need at least a yearly booster shot basically for the rest of our lives. Below, you will find links to various articles that get into some of the details, but the overall conclusion is that…